Films have to be submitted Only via Filmfreeway
The different deadline for submissions is on Filmfreeway website as well as the notification date.
Filmmakers should have all required rights and releases for all the persons presented, and possess the rights or have permission.
Films must not be more than two years old and have no prior released versions on Social Media or other public video platforms: Youtube, Vimeo, etc
Submission fee is not refundable.
Once a film is submitted, it may not be withdrawn for any reason
Submission fee has to be made at the point of submission.
Filmmakers should have all required rights and releases for all the persons presented, possess the rights or have permission to make use all images, music and content that is included in the entry.
All films accepted to screen at the festival must be in NTSC, DOLBY DIGITAL SOUND. Films accepted to screen at the festival must be submitted on a thumb drive and sent by mail. In addition, the submitter must provide a tracking number of the parcel and a link to a backup copy of the film online. ** Due to theater requirements, the theater must have a physical copy of the film.
DF2 does not mail back thumb drive or copies of the film unless a prepaid envelope has been received from the filmmaker. Thumb drives will be given back to filmmakers at the festival.
By submitting to Divulge Dancers’ Film Festival (DF2), we have the right to preview your film. If accepted, filmmaker must submit the film in the requested format.
DF2 holds the right to withhold this video file for DF2 archives.
If accepted you fully grant DF2 the non-exclusive right, royalty-free and license to showcase this film or video at Divulge Dancers’ Film Festival.
Entrant(s) agree that clips from the entry and all publicity material submitted can be used for promotional purposes on radio, television, in print, web and at live events.
You will indemnify and exempt DF2 from and against all kinds claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses that might be incurred for any reason including trademark copyright, credits, screening, publicity and loss of or damage to the material.